Friday, October 26, 2012

                                     Rob Dyrdek Fantasy Factory

Rob Dyrdek Fantasy Factory is a TV show in MTV is really fun and funny the cast of the show is Rob, Chanel, Sterling, Drama, Big Black, and his two favorite dogs. The show is really funny because they always have something to do. When one of the casts wants to do something amazing they don’t stop until they finished and they accomplished. The show is thirty minutes long even do its not much I still enjoy those 30 minutes when it’s over it comes out like five more times. Rob is always doing stuff amazing. Rob and the gang always do stuff for people that don’t have clothes or they need help also they just give stuff to people to be great full one episode rob invited Dyrdek day he even did a car called the T-Rex its fast and its white. The factory they work on it’s really, really cool its cool because they all know how to skate board there all happy. The casts get nerves when Rob is about to do something really dangerous like racing with a car and flipping with a ramp they all got scared even rob got scared that show always makes me laugh so much I hate when commercials come out but I still enjoy it.                                           

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