Friday, October 26, 2012

                                            Rob and Big
Rob and big is TV show in MTV the main characters of the show is rob, bib black, drama and his two dogs that show is thirty minutes long is actually funny because they always try stuff that you don’t if expect there were going to do that like one time rob and bib black were talking and rob tolled big black what how does it feel to be big so rob turn himself big then he realized being big like his fried big black was that fun as he thought it would be. Rob and Big always go in these adventures like a racing track and start to race out of nowhere and they don’t even have experience to do those kinds of things. It’s even cooler because rob has a little horse in his yard, rob loves his two dogs and his horse he even did a big party for his dog it was amazing the cake of the dog was yummy only for the dogs. Big black is so cool because he did not know how to skateboard so he tried it on a rap he kept on falling various of time until he got it  as soon as he did it he was so proud that is why I love rob and big.   

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