Thursday, November 1, 2012

                                  Rob Dyrdek   
                          Beefy, Meaty and Mini horse
Rob Dyrdek loves hi two pets he has a dog named Meaty and a horse called Mini horse the two of them lived together rob always play with them and also if black when rob is playing fighting with Big black meaty the dog comes and stars to protect rob that’s a show called rob and big there  pets always are in a good mood when they see rob coming to play or to do something with them Rob had always had meaty the dog since he was a little puppy know rob has another dog that looks like meaty but smaller and skinnier his name its beefy they both love there owner rob and also rob loves them one time mini horse had an infection in the stomach and Rob took to the doctor rob was crying a lot they tolled him he might die but unforgettably he was saved . Rob always like to show there pets in all of his episodes on ridiculousness  rob Dyrdek fantasy factory,and on rob and big also on some cartoon called wild grinders all of robs show are very funny the good thing is rob loves there pets.